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The Father: Truth Teller, The Mother: Aya granny, Daughter 1: Najma, Daughter 2: HNK.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Out of the hands of justice

Every day Nineveh TV show us a number of peoples arrested for the suspicion of being terrorists.
In the interview,most of whom confessed that they killed so and so, attacked the police centers and some even confessed that they rape many women.

Today in the news they show us that the police releases 118 arrested persons who were proved to be innocents.

Before I heard this news, I was talking to one of my patients, he lived in a village 20 km from Mosul, he told me this story:
"yesterday I visited one of my relative, who was arrested for suspicious of being terrorist, he appeared on the TV and confessed during the inreview that he killed so many people and did other offensive acts. When we asked him how did they released you and you did so and so, he answered that the police officers had tortured him and beat him almost to death, and dictated the answers for him befor asking them, and forced him to say that confession in the TV conversation."
This remind me in a note from one of the commenter to my post "In the hand of justice" who said "In the west it is believed better to release 10 suspected criminals than to mistakenly punish one innocent. Without indisputable evidence or testimony even the most evil and vile people are set free."

I want to ask him (the commenter) what he will say about 118 persons arrested and tortured and forced to confess of being did some things never happened?? . Are the people in the west differ from the people in the middle east??

BTW. I believed this story is true because, as I told you before, the assumed terrorists confessed killing some peoples who still alive, I know one of those who their names mentioned as being killed.
ps. We have a ministry called (Ministry of Human rights).!!!

Where are the human rights ??


Blogger Bill said...

The best news report I could find on this is at http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/0302IraqTapes02-ON.html
I do believe this is propaganda from the Wolf Brigade.
(Short definition of propaganda:
ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause; also : a public action having such an effect)
(propaganda is not allways a bad thing)IMHO ;o)
Also and with all do respect I don't think it is a good thing to rely on second hand information about someone who was supposedly tortured and beat almost to death.
The question was never answered, why then was he released? I think your question to (the commenter) was answered with the release of the 118...a few years ago they probably would have all just disapeared.
Further investigation of the mater is surely needed and I hope you can speak with some of the victims personaly.
ps. I love your family blog..very cool...and most interesting reading.

3/17/2005 11:18:00 AM

Blogger carpetbagger said...

Aside from the human toll mentioned in this post, what is all of this really worth if they are not getting at the real root of the problems in Iraq? The wasted steps and wasted time to exact information from someone who has done nothing is an outrage. Also, when you see hard numbers like the one mentioned, you can pretty much double that for the people who fell under this treatment and didn't have it reported. It is a shame.... hang in there truth teller. The light will be shone on truth.

3/17/2005 05:45:00 PM


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