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The Father: Truth Teller, The Mother: Aya granny, Daughter 1: Najma, Daughter 2: HNK.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

A new Government

During the last few days, there were a negotiation to form the new government. Yesterday they announce the name of the new president and his two deputies. Today they announce the name of the prime minister.

The president is Dr. Jalal al Talbani. A Kurdish from Al-Sulaimaniya. He is the boss of one of the Kurdish parties, who were fighting the Iraqi government before the occupation (insurgents).
I don't have too much knowledge about him, but one thing I didn't like, before few weeks he appeared on the TV in an interview, he said about the Iraqi flag "We will not allow for the Iraqi flag to be lifted on the land of Kurdistan".
Now we will see if he allow the flag to lift over all Iraq, or not??.

The prime minister Dr. Ibrahim al Jaafari. He is a doctor , graduated from the same college as I, but one year after me. He was very good guy, polite and honest. His talk on the TV is very encouraging, he looks very calm, educated, and neutral.
He says they will chose the ministers to different ministries according to their qualification and their fitness to the position. Which exactly what every body want.

The coming days will show the announcement of the rest of the government.
We hope it will be the end of our problems.

We need your prayers.


Blogger Terrible said...

Praying it does work out the way the people of Iraq hope for!!!

4/07/2005 10:02:00 AM

Blogger Call Me Grandma said...

Praying that peace and prosperity reigns over your country. I am also praying that our coaltion troops can return home. May God Bless Iraq with peace and prospeity...Amen

4/09/2005 04:54:00 AM

Blogger Mister Ghost said...

The Iraqi-Kurdish Blogosphere On Iraq's New President And Prime Minister - Brought To You Only By Iraqi Bloggers Central

4/09/2005 08:01:00 AM

Blogger moodswing said...

Well truth seeker you put alot of focus on this Ocupation government.
Most people around the world now see the joke of a some people calling themselves the govt.,when the only places they govern are Ibril and the "green zone",with the help of yankee invaders.
Look to the resistance,street protests,etc for the real power.
The Quagmire will finish as soon as the invaders leave.
Where ever the USSA goes,terrorism seems to follow,i wonder why?

Pity your family's nice blog has the comment section populated by right wing Nth Americans and secret service agents.

Good Luck

4/10/2005 02:38:00 AM

Blogger Truth teller said...


"I hope the troops can come home soon, also. We miss them here!!"

We also hope the troops go home as soon as possible.
Thank you for your prayer.

4/12/2005 11:56:00 AM


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